From time to time, we engage in Kennel Q&A Sessions on our Instagram page @Savantk9. Many of those questions are featured here.,

Questions as they pertain to obtaining a puppy from us, can be reviewed by requesting a Savantk9 Purchase Agreement.


Are your dogs safe with children?

Any dog who shows unfound aggression towards children is not tolerated, bred, or incorporated in any way within our program. Despite producing capable working quality animals, all our dogs live lives with families and many with children of varying ages. Our dogs are expected to interact appropriately, while remaining extremely stable and predictable. This however is not an excuse to leave any dog unattended with small children. Appropriate handling and management of the dog by the family requires rules, boundaries, and limitations that respect the space of another living being. Responsible handling is a must for all animals, but we do everything that we can to not only set families up for success, but ensure undue and inexcusable aggression in our lines is minimized as much as possible.

What was your inspiration for starting this kennel/what are some of your breeding goals?

Living abroad had shown the value of true utilitarian animals that earned their keep. Many of these dogs literally provided for their families. Amongst breed specific legislation, many of these working dogs were of multiple breed origins, consisting of unique combinations of specific breeds to fulfill a task. The loss of the agrarian lifestyle in the US has greatly diminished the ability of many dog breeds. My goal was to get back to what makes a working dog a working dog. Combating shortcomings in many of the bonifide breeds and improving them through strategic outcrossing. I have a vision for my own ideal type of dog, and if I want it, its up to me to make it happen.

What’s your opinion on dogs created only for sporting purposes?

I can appreciate anything specifically bred to not only excel, but outcompete any other breed in its perspective sport. Pick a job, and the job will pick the dogs. I don’t care if its a bite sport specialist such as the Belgium Malinois, fell terriers going to ground, pointers and gundogs pointing, flushing and retrieving game, or gamedogs exhibiting their world renowned strength in combat. Many of the utilitarian breeds are specialists. They are happiest when doing exactly what they were bred to do.

Main objective in your program/what is your main goal?

My goal is a dog who is 27-29” at the withers, 85-110lbs, who is leggy with both wind a speed. I need a dog fast enough to aid in the catch of coyotes or foxes, strong enough to safely subdue a wild hog until help arrives. I need a dog with enough defense, territorial aggression, and confidence to work man. A dog who is easily managed, respectful and gentle amongst family. My program is based on recreating the Coursing Mastiff.

Why an emphasis on defense drive in hog dogs?

Traditionally, working dogs typically had to be capable of a wide range of tasks. All around farm dogs were responsible for not only working livestock or dispatching nuisance animals, but protecting livestock, and serving as a deterrent to intruders. Early molosser, bulldogs, curs, and even terriers all exhibit these traits, and its important to recognize the majority of working breeds do have an element of defense and territorial aggression to them. It is a drive that gave families reassurance, and added value to the dog. Our emphasis on defense drive has been enhanced through our training and testing for both intensity and stability. Our dogs are not for everyone, and we will have pairings that display varying degrees of defense drive. Reach out to us and we can help you pick the pairings most suitable for your needs.

What breeds do you plan on incorporating down the road in order to reach your final objective?

My program is primarily focused on incorporating the best representatives accessible via hunting sighthounds, proven bulldogs, and working bandogs/molossers. I admire speed, tenacity, strength and a soft side with family.

How much time will you need for your breeding program?

It’s hard to say, as there are many future variables that I could never account for, which can drastically change my timeframe. That being said, I likely won’t have my ideal “type” until I’m about 6-7 generations in. I’ll have plenty of functional working crosses that will greatly contribute towards my foundation, that can fit a variety of needs as I work towards my desired “type”.

What is outcrossing? Why is it important, and what is difficult about it?

I believe that outcrossing is breeding to any dog that does not have a shared ancestor within 5 generations. Outcrossing is a great tool to combat filial degeneration and add diversity to a bloodline. But outcrossing also creates so many gene combinations, it’s virtually impossible to determine which characteristics are consistently being transmitted to offspring. When breeding for performance - the best way to breed to an outcrossed dog, is to breed to an inbred dog. Inbreeding is the attempt to reproduce a specific ancestor by capturing, perpetuating and preserving desired genes.

What is the best breed for personal protection in your opinion?

I think its ultimately less about breed, and more about the individual drives that can be tailored towards personal protection needs. Ultimately I believe a level of defense drive and territorial aggression are useful.

Workability of gambred american pitbull terriers?

I believe its highly dependent on the type of work - but in keeping with tradition, I believe in keeping sporting dogs, sporting dogs. Regardless, they are an extremely versatile breed which can excel in many venues. Some exhibit defense drive and man aggression - but the breeding and training of the apbt as a “manbiter” or a dog capable of “manwork” is typically frowned upon by many traditional circles. As “mandogs” - some may run into conflict, while others operate as straight prey driven dogs, with little territorial aggression or defensive edge. As catchdogs - some would rather fight the pig, as opposed to actually catching it. These are all generalizations and do not speak to the entire breed. Many apbt’s are extremely dynamic and capable, but they do have their shortcomings. Sporting dogs are not working dogs and vice versa. I do however love what they bring to a cross and value the improvements they contribute.

What Setbacks are frequently encountered in Breeding programs?

Deep generation crosses often fail to reproduce themselves - with out a level of inbreeding, there are simply too many genes to pull from. We work to combat this through strategic pairings, tightly bred outcrosses, multi-generational testing, and careful observation.

Why do people ignore female importance in breeding programs?

It has traditionally been understood that females contribute slightly over half the DNA in pups due to their mitochondrial contributions. (As of 2017 it has been debated that males contribute as well) Regardless, many people admire and prefer the sexual dimorphism found in males than preserving and maintaining the standards that perpetuate a program found in the female.

Do your dogs display dog aggression?

The prevalence of dog aggression is highly dependent on the pairing and crosses used. Some of our pairings will naturally display more dog aggression than others. However, we do have some offerings with an emphasis on pack hunting, and strive to produce dogs who work well together. We highly recommend opposite sex pairs with our dogs in any household, and believe that mixing dogs of the same sex increases the potential for conflict. We always recommend keeping a careful watch on intact males.



We Breed Better. SavantK9