Early Neurological Stimulation
We believe that Early Neurological Stimulation and the applicaton of specific “Bio Sensory Exercizes” during periods of rapid neurological growth and development provide 5 Specific Benefits in dogs compared to non stimulated individuals
Pictured is a working prospect briefly being exposed to a cold surface
The US Military’s “Super Dog Program”
“In many animal breeding programs, the entire process of selection and management is founded ont he belief that performance is inherited. Attempts to analyze the genetics of performance in a systematic way have involved some distinguished names such as Charles Darwin and Francis Galton. It has only been in recent decades, that good estimates of heritability of performance have been based on adequate data.” (Dr. Battaglia, Canine Chronicle, Breeding Better Dogs)
A 1991 study conducted and published in Scientific American on “The Genetics of the Thoroughbred Horses” by Dr. Patrick Cunningham had determend that in general, genetics account for about 35% of race horse perfomance, while the remaining 65% (management, training, and nutrition) can make all the difference in terms of winning or losing. His study utilized Timeform data, to measure groups of half brothers and half sisters to determine performance. The data had shown that with observed speed during track perforance, only 35% of the variation found was controlled by heritable factors - with the remainder being heavily influenced by husbandry.
Despite being limited to horses, we believe that this study serves as a solid basis for understanding how much breeders can attribute breeding success to genetics and pedigrees. Historically, animal breeders have always looked for ways to enhance and improve upon an animal’s natural abilities - with some producing long term positive affects. Some of the differences found in performance individuals can be attributed through the use of early stimulation methods, husbandry, training, and conditioning.
The US Military’s “Super Dog Program” is founded on the use of Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS). Through their eserach they determined that specific “Bio Sensory Exercises” during periods of rapid neurological growth and development have consistently proven 5 specific benefits in dogs when compared to non stimulated individuals.
Improved cardiovascular systems
Stronger heart beats
Stronger arenal glands
Increased tolerance to stress
Greater resistance to disease
We use these Bio Sensory Guidelines to stimulate our stock in combination with extensive socialization, and environmental exposure in an attempt to strengthen and enhance their potential as working dogs. According to the US Military, in tests of learning stimulated pups were found to be more active and exploratory than their non-stimulated littermates, in addition to dominating their littermates in competitive situations.
In simple problem solving tests using detours in a maze, the non-stimulated pups became extremely aroused, whined a great deal, and made many errors. Their stimulated littermates were less distrubed or upset by test conditons and when comparisons were made, the stimulated littermates were more calm in the test environment, made fewer errors and gave only an occasional distress cries.
Both experience and research have shared the beneficial effects that can be achieved via early neurological stimulation, socialization, and enrichment experiences. Each has been used to improve performance and to explain the differences that may occur between individuals, their trainability, long term health and potential.
We believe that by subjecting the nervous system to minor sources of stress during periods of rapid development (that are not normally encountered in nature) we can “jump start” and strengthen the development of neurological pathways, enhancing a dog’s ability to tolerate stressors later in life. These harmless techniques best serve the interests of owners who seek high levels of health and performance. When properly used, we believe that each test has a cumulative effect and contributes to the development of individual performance.
All our puppies receive ENS following the Military’s “Super Dog Guidelines” days 3-16. We have a number of outside references availible who believe that there are positive affects to ENS. We feel as though it speeds puppy development, reduces their reaction to stress, and strengthens their environmental thresholds.